Vulnerability is strength. Shorts, ThoughtsTracy HolemeyerApril 3, 2019shadow work, perception, shift, programming, generational trauma, men, boys, emotional capacity, strengthComment
You are whole. Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, ThoughtsTracy HolemeyerApril 2, 2019strength, whole, be love, you are enough, valueComment
Responsibility vs. fault Domestic Violence, Survival, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 4, 2018responsibility, fault, trauma, understanding, growth, abuse, relationships, overcoming, strengthComment
To my son, on your eighteenth Birthday. Ambassador;keepin it real, Parenting/Kiddos, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerSeptember 28, 2018parenting, 18, Birthday, mother and son, kindness, beauty, love, family, boy mom, tenacious, favorites, prayers, baby boy, heart and soul, you are good enough, strength, encouragement, joy, emotional intelligence, expression, thankful, gratitude, birth, happy birthday, growing up, letting go Comment
Pain is personal Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, SurvivalTracy HolemeyerMay 23, 2018development, domestic violence, experience, healing, help, hope, pain is personal, relationships, resilience, self love, sharing, strength, support, survivors, trauma, violenceComment
I wish I could show you. Heavy Stuff, Survival, UMmusings of Depth, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 24, 2018be love, dope soul, development, experience, expression, healing, help, hope, let's chat, be the light, recovery, resilient, self love, strength, support, survivors, unabashed, weight of these wings, wish, seenComment
My two cents; spanking that unruly child. Ambassador;keepin it real, My two cents..., Parenting/Kiddos, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 27, 2018abuse, love, be love, behavior, children, development, experiences, trauma, family, growth, love should not hurt, parenting, punishment, recovery, resilience, strength, most important, understanding, violence, my two centsComment
Life drama - it just happens like that! Adventures, Ambassador;keepin it real, Randomness, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 9, 2018acceptance, be the sky, blog so hard, drama, experiences, #lets_chat, life, real talk with T, resilience, shit happens, strength, suffering, support, survivors, unabashed, warrior, awarenessComment
Talk the talk?! Nah, I would rather walk the walk. Ambassador;keepin it real, Dating in Real Life, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerFebruary 20, 2018are you strong enough, be who you are, beauty, dating, experiences, live out loud, love, relationships, clown, asshat, self love, strength, truth, unabashed, weakness, wrecked, boyComment
Burying yourself in work when you are suffering is terrible advice! Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerFebruary 16, 2018acceptance, blog so hard, development, emotional intelligence, emotions, feels, healing, real life with T, real talk, recovery, strength, suffering, unabashedComment
Goal: publish in another magazine... can you help? Adventures, Domestic Violence, Faith, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJanuary 25, 2018acceptance, be love, be the light, beauty, blog so hard, domestic violence, experience, Faith, grace, healing, life, love, mental health, recovery, resilience, self love, share, strength, support, survivor, unabashed, published, content, appalachian trailComment
Justice isn't always good enough, but off to jail he goes. Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJanuary 22, 2018abuse, be love, court, development, domestic violence, experiences, faith, friends, guilty, healing, real life, resilience, strength, suffering, support, survival, unabashed, violence, woman, womenComment
Anxiety disorder, as the (dark) fog lifts Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerNovember 16, 2017anxiety life, anxiety disorder, be love, blog so hard, communication, family, friends, grace, gratitude, healing, health, let's chat, mental health, real talk, recovery, resiliency, sharing, strength, suffering, support, survival, unabashed, truthComment
Returning to the beat of my heart on the AT. Adventures, Domestic Violence, Faith, Survival, Throwbacks, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerNovember 13, 2017anxiety, appalachian trail, AT, be love, blogger, communication, domestic violence, experience, living outloud, Faith, guides, healing, love, mental health, make moments count, nature, overcoming, path, recovery, resilience, sharing, strength, trail magic, violenceComment
Whatchu got in that cup? Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, Thoughts, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerNovember 3, 2017acceptance, be love, blog so hard, development, experience, hope, love, real life, resilience, self love, strength, support, survival, unabashedComment
831 - Shelly's story Domestic Violence, FoDV, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerNovember 1, 2017why they abuse, abuse, blog so hard, health, life, parenting, pregnancy, recovery, trauma, resiliency, strength, struggle, suffering, survivor, woman, unabashed, why I stayedComment
Jane. Domestic Violence, FoDV, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 27, 2017favorites, abuse, acceptance, blog so hard, development, domestic violence, experiences, faces of domestic violence, FoDV, let's chat, real life, relationships, resilience, shame, share your story, strength, suffering, support, talk, thoughts, truth, unabashed, violence, women, share this storyComment
Here I stand Ambassador;keepin it real, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 6, 2017beauty, blog so hard, development, life, powerful, resilience, strength, survivor, unabashed, ocean, forceComment
Tacos and tequila, interrupted. Dating in Real Life, Heavy Stuff, Uncategorized, Shorts, ThoughtsTracy HolemeyerSeptember 28, 2017battered heart, blogging, comfort, communication, experiences, heart matters, love, real life, relationships, resilience, strength, truth, unabashed, life is what it isComment
WHY I blog-so-hard Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerSeptember 25, 2017acceptance, blog so hard, blogging, development, experiences, understanding, unabashed, mental health, real talk, resilience, sharing, strength, suffering, support, talk, thoughts, truthComment