These boots were made for walking Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJune 7, 2018acceptance, body image, blog so hard, be love, boots, grace, humanity, real life, recovery, resilience, self love, sharing, support, truths, unabashed, womenComment
She remains UNBROKEN Ambassador;keepin it real, Domestic Violence, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerFebruary 23, 2018abuse, blog so hard, development, experiences, grace, healing, recovery, relationships, real talk, self care, unabashed, unbroken, women, loveComment
Justice isn't always good enough, but off to jail he goes. Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJanuary 22, 2018abuse, be love, court, development, domestic violence, experiences, faith, friends, guilty, healing, real life, resilience, strength, suffering, support, survival, unabashed, violence, woman, womenComment
Jane. Domestic Violence, FoDV, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 27, 2017favorites, abuse, acceptance, blog so hard, development, domestic violence, experiences, faces of domestic violence, FoDV, let's chat, real life, relationships, resilience, shame, share your story, strength, suffering, support, talk, thoughts, truth, unabashed, violence, women, share this storyComment
Would you pose for a naked photo shoot? Adventures, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerSeptember 21, 2017beauty, blogging, bodies, image, awareness, curves, self development, experiences, joy, naked, no judgement, photos, resilience, acceptance, self love, womenComment
Odds are, if you have to look, it is already too late. Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJuly 11, 2017anxiety, blogger, cheaters, domestic violence, overcoming, healing, hope, recovery, strength, too late, trust, violence, women, instinctsComment
To my bay watch babe... Ambassador;keepin it real, Throwbacks, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerJune 27, 2017bay watch, best friend, blogging, experiences, friends gratitude, love, life, lucky, never enough words, relationships, resiliency, sharing, she saved me, she stayed, soul sister, thankful, tribe, womenComment
The gravity of the situation Domestic Violence, FoDV, Heavy Stuff, Throwbacks, Uncategorized, SurvivalTracy HolemeyerJune 11, 2017blogging, adultery, cheater, domestic abuse, life, my story, relationships, relief, sadness, women, mental healthComment
Oh, I can be intimidating to a man? Just the kind I'd like to avoid. Ambassador;keepin it real, Mental Health, Heavy Stuff, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 14, 2017truths, intimidating, unabashed, women, relationships, men and women, trust, mental health, flaws, scars, patience, imperfect, brutal, recovery, resiliencyComment
Padded bras and painted toes, as promised. Ambassador;keepin it real, Survival, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 12, 2017body image, women, comfortable, unabashed, wild child, makeup, boobs, self care, bare, vulnerable, pretty, expectations, love yourself, be loveComment