An invitation to get curious. Heavy Stuff, Parenting/Kiddos, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 11, 2018programming, childhood, trauma, we all suffer, okay to not be okay, coaching, meditation, self care, A-team, be your anchor, I can help, resiliencyComment
Meditation is often the best form of recovery. Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerAugust 16, 2018Uncontrollably Memeditation, therapy, growth, deserving, resilience, recovery, magic, trust, headspace, marconi union, self care, self love, understanding, work with me, coaching, yogiComment
So, here is the thing about adrenaline. Ambassador;keepin it real, Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerAugust 13, 2018Uncontrollably Meadrenaline, mental health, survival, coaching, miracle, life saving, humble, fight, flight, freeze, public announcement, made for more, here to helpComment