I was always me, I just stopped believing it. Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 25, 2017anxiety, be the light, compelled to love, some days are better than others, manipulation, ptsd, unabashed, triggers, survival, domestic violence, resilience, controlComment
Throwin it back. Uncategorized, RandomnessTracy HolemeyerMay 24, 2017embarrassing, facepalm, viper, bless your heartComment
let's chat Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 24, 2017brave, live out loud, speak your truth, sharing, growth, tribe, #lets_chat, instagram, message meComment
I won't delete your number Heavy Stuff, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 22, 2017loss, grief, memories, never forget, painComment
I haven't worked out in over three years, here is why, and how I feel about it today. Ambassador;keepin it real, Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 22, 2017speak your truth, let's chat, truth, body image, pain, take care, self love, gym, workout, gentle, toga, domestic abuse, escape, recovery, mental health, love, health, strength, grace, healingComment
My brain is broken. Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 19, 2017anxiety, mental health, too much, alone, advocate, blog so hard, brave, flaws, guidance, human condition, hotmess, keepin it realComment
This is my therapy. Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 17, 2017therapy, blogging, capable, healing, truth, recovery, mental health, strength, resilience, writer, bourbon, support, kindness, tribeComment
Love pop Love POPS, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 16, 2017USA, support the troops, jets, military, love pop, grateful, I love jet noise, take flightComment
Okay judgy-mcjudgerson, this one is for you... you've earned it. Ambassador;keepin it real, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 15, 2017skin, naked, provacative, judge much, pipe down, imagination, kindness is free, your opinion wasn't requested, risque, rape culture, wake up, beauty
Love pop! Love POPS, Parenting/Kiddos, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 10, 2017love pop, momma, parenting, little things, sunshineComment
The gap Ambassador;keepin it real, Faith, Heavy Stuff, Parenting/Kiddos, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 10, 2017favorites, generations, change, growth, evolving, parenting, history, religion, race, single, choice, traditions, equality, FaithComment
Ring dance and bourbon Heavy Stuff, Parenting/Kiddos, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 6, 2017parenting, growth, compartmentalize, dating, relationships, emotionComment
Let's talk about sex, baby Ambassador;keepin it real, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 5, 2017sex, love, lady bits, period, relationships, pg13, truth bombsComment
You don't get to look away. Ambassador;keepin it real, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 5, 2017don't look away, life is happening, resilience, survival, violence, support the troops, courage, help, humanity, reality, do betterComment
Real life, I made it... to my bed. Mental Health, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 4, 2017aniexty, mental health, real life, hotmessComment
This list is the cure! Ambassador;keepin it real, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 3, 2017cure all, lists, no guarantee, creative, blog so hard, writing, real talkComment
Ready to run. Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 2, 2017favorites, anxiety, mental health, betrayal, good vibes, worrying, symptoms, collateral damageComment
My daily prayers (from a mama who is really real. No I am still not religious, don't worry.) Parenting/Kiddos, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 1, 2017parenting, jesus take the wheel, family, kids, patience, teens, wine meComment
Do you know me? Ambassador;keepin it real, Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMay 1, 2017core, relationships, tribe, depth, keep up, see me, be known, awareness, evolving, consciousness, survivor, happiness, busy, connection, defiant, mermaid, transparencyComment
This isn't about Italy. Adventures, Faith, Love POPS, Mental Health, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 30, 2017live out loud, travel, adventures, be present, love, my story, humble, recovery, overcoming, gratitude, growth, love popComment