Today, I am okay. Ambassador;keepin it real, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerAugust 23, 2018made for more, work in progress, cancer, basal cell, resiliency, overcoming, life is what it is, acceptance, self love, here to help, figure-out-able, numbness, let's chat, provacative, sunscreen, take care of yourself, health matters, the C word, tanning, recovery, speak your truth, real talk with TComment
Sudoku - also, nerd alert! Ambassador;keepin it real, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, Randomness, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerOctober 4, 2017blog so hard, distraction, do the work, domestic violence, just keep swimming, keep going, keep pushing, love, mindless, motivate, overcome, progress, programming, real life, sudoku, survival, figure-out-ableComment