White Lotus Domestic Violence, Faith, Heavy Stuff, Randomness, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 2, 2017white lotus, depth, meaning, understanding, dreams, guidance, human-ness, peace, faith, abuse, recover, survival, resilience, flower, life, survivorComment
The path Adventures, Survival, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerApril 1, 2017overlanding, get outside, travel, adventures, Virginia, Mountain State Overland, offroad, disconnection is connecting, trips, serendipity, trails, bacon seeds, WVA, Merry Go Round, passion, FaithComment
I heart you yoga pants Randomness, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 30, 2017yoga pants, comfy, heartComment
Can I get an amen?! Shooooot Ambassador;keepin it real, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 30, 2017life is hard, wine, forgetful, mom life, bourbon, real lifeComment
Fuel your fire! Shorts, Thoughts, Uncategorized, Mental HealthTracy HolemeyerMarch 28, 2017fuel your fire, making today, tribe, live out loud, longing, desires, status, numbness, rhythm, mental health, self careComment
#bosslife Ambassador;keepin it real, Dating in Real Life, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 28, 2017shift, trust your gut, no more, intuition, thoughtful, design, real talk, be the light, amazingComment
When I am weak Faith, Shorts, Thoughts, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 28, 2017amazed, called on, love and light, challenge, opportunity, be love, help, survival, compelled to loveComment
A case of the Monday's Ambassador;keepin it real, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 27, 2017Mondays, be well, bird in flight, blessed, humble, peaceComment
Use two hands... Randomness, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 22, 2017two hands, happiness, growth, shine onComment
The saddest thing I have read, written by me. Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Throwbacks, Uncategorized, SurvivalTracy HolemeyerMarch 21, 2017sadness, grief, darkness, other side, pain, blog so hard, betrayalComment
The last speech I gave for Samaritan House, and my friend Brooke. Domestic Violence, FoDV, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 21, 2017favorites, domestic violence, survival, trauma, abuse, scars more than skin deep, relationships, kindness, griefComment
Faith, with a capital F Faith, Domestic Violence, Heavy Stuff, Mental Health, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 19, 2017faith, unity, growth, religion, judgement, nature, resilience, suffering, mental healthComment
That's how I'll remember you Adventures, Dating in Real Life, Shorts, Thoughts, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 17, 2017love, memories, beauty, relationships, experience, fuck yesComment
A few of my favorite reads... Books I Love, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 15, 2017books, good reads, favorites
Our tender hearts; a design in the flaws UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 15, 2017flaws, human condition, tenderness, resilienceComment
Brain: it's tooooo much! Mental Health, Heavy Stuff, Survival, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 13, 2017favorites, mental health, anxiety, real talk, survival, resilience
FYI & a little diddy for FRIYAY Ambassador;keepin it real, Randomness, UncategorizedTracy HolemeyerMarch 10, 2017Comment