•This constant thing, nagging at me... pulling me like an impatient child.
“Come ooon come ooon!!”
But I don’t know what IT is. I am looking in my life, in my phone, asking someone, anyone if I’m forgetting something. Did I skip a meeting, miss an appointment? Too many balls in the air? Burning the wick at both ends?
No. My now is way less than what I used to think is normal. Am I assuming I’m forgetting because my mind has been failing me? Is it my fear of losing it? Is anxiety winning?
Autopilot is one thing but this... this is like a hole in the space around me and I have no idea what’s supposed to fill it.
I lost my grandma to dementia. “Take me before it does.” I cannot imagine that life. Or, maybe it’s peaceful bliss. The unknowing of all the things. The slip into reverse as if time no longer holds all of your experiences.
No, what this is, is the Universe patiently waiting for me to choose. To decide what is next without needing to simply fill the space with the doing. This is a calling of my heart, here is what is missing. •
When we truly follow our heart nothing is missing. This free write above was days before I released my first writings. The pouring out of my heart all over the pages. Before I published anything leading me to exactly where I am now.
The unfolding comes as natural as the sunrise.
If you feel stuck, if you feel chaos, like something is missing, it is your call to action. Drop in, what is your heart asking, even begging you for?
Peel back the layers, ask why, get freakin’ curious.
Get excited.
What’s next is your calling. Your 10 out of 10 vibrational life. Align.
Now you’re on your way.